Tuesday Oct. 2, 2007


Howdy All !

Today we are heading back into Yellowstone and then on over to West Yellowstone.
We wake up to sunshine but it quickly turns cold and starts snowing.

We spot some pronghorns up on the hill.

Then we spot some close to the road.

This elk has a lot to say as he bugles to his herd.

Sue spots our first coyote.

He is so out of here.

There he is, our first bull moose.

We just could not get him to come out from behind that tree. I guess he is shy.

Fun in the snow.

I guess we were just steaming.

Peaceful Lake.

Ok, back off.

Lazy river.

Even a cloudy, rainy day is great out here.

Tomorrow more Yellowstone. See you tomorrow.

Ralph, Prilly & Sue

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