Tuesday Sept 27, 2005


And we're off..... First problem, they had cancelled our flight from Atlanta to Salt Lake. So guess what, we're going to Las Vagas then on to Salt Lake but still should get into Salt Lake about noon. Their time difference is 3 hrs.

I know you all want to know, where's Sue? Well, she told us that her boss said that she was needed there. So now we don't know where to go, what to do and how to do it. The upside is we can eat at the Subway as much as we want and I don't have to doctor up all those pictures of her to make her look thinner. Maybe next time she will get her priorities straight. Play & travel always comes before work. Oh, without her here please excuse all the misspelled words in this text.

We start out with a good shot of Atlanta.

Then came into Las Vagas.

After a 50min layover back in the air heading to Salt Lake. Good shot of the strip.

Arrived in Salt Lake, rented a Jeep and on the way to Logan Utah.

Check out that color.

The rolling hills.

They look like their on fire.

The leaves are just beautiful !

Staying in Logan tonight, then on to Jackson Hole in Wyoming.

See you tomorrow,
Ralph & Prilly

Goto Day 2

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