Wed. Sept. 19, 2012


Welcome All,

Today we head West across the Upper Peninsula stopping at the Senay Wildlife Presenve
and then onto Munising on Lake Superior.

Today we are up before the sun as we get ready to leave St Ignace

Signs of a great day to come

Lake Michigan

Senay Wildlife Presenve

Everything is rather ducky here.

Wood Duck

It's so serene here.

Looks like nobody is home.

That grouse is realy camouflaged

Lake Surperior

Take the picture Sue, before we blow away.

The water is so clear looks like you can drink it.

We land in Munising for the night.
Tomorrow we go through Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore and onto Grand Marais for the night.

See you on Day 6
Ralph , Prilly & Sue


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