We forgot to tell you that yesterday when we got here we were hit by a big storm
with 50 mph gusts. We stopped at Walmart this morning and several of their trees were
snapped off.
We head up the road a bit and find these friends hanging out next to the road.
They were real friendly.
Maybe it was the apples we had.
Jenna starts naming them.
When Prilly talks they listen.
We decide to take a side trip to Savage Falls State Nature Park
It's a 3 mile hike out to the falls and back but we know how badly you all want
to see those falls. So away we go.
Jenna thinks she is modeling on the runway.
We crossed flimsey rope bridges.
Going across raging rivers.
Fighting off huge bugs and nasty mosquitoes.
Jenna carrying grama on her back.
Finally we reach the falls.
We walked down a little further and found the big falls.
Exploring the bottom of the falls.
Ok girls now we have to hike all the way back.
Pretty flowers on our way back.
We then head over to Fall Creek Falls State Park.
Here it's not so bad. We only have to hike a short distance to the falls.
And Delaney said she was scared of heights?
Look out for that big black snake.
We find a cool place to swim.
Delaney is the only one who wants to brave the cold water.
She makes it all the way across to the other side.
Before we can get out of the park the girls are out.
Kentucky State Line.
We have been blessed with another great day so we celebrate having dinner at
Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Tomorrow Cave City and Mammoth Cave.