Wednesday Oct. 16, 2013


Hi all,
Sorry for the delay in getting this page up. We are in an area with no cell towers and
dial up internet.

We wake up to about 28 degrees and a thick cover of frost.

We first spot this flock of wild turkeys.

We talk to the locals and they tell us about a road named The Hole in the Wall which has
a bunch of cool stuff on it. First stop on it is Devil's Garden.

This place is really cool.

Here erosion creates visual magic..

Formed about 160 million years ago these fanciful hoodoos, stone goblins, and subtle arches
are found.

We are being blessed with another great day.

Ya, that's me trying to get my exercise in.

It's like a playground.

Pretty wild flowers.

Goblin Central.

We spot this pretty bird.

Next we go down this road where no car should ever go, in search of dinosour tracks.

We are a hundred and fifty five millions years too late to find the real thing.

Next we head to Dry Fork Slot. To get to it we have to hike about a mile down a very steep
rocky mountain. We were not worried about getting down. It was back up that concerned us.

We finally reach the slot canyon.

One and a half miles long.

What a great slot.

In places you have to really think just how to navigate the obstacals that are put in front of us.

Watch your step every minute.

We are a little concerned about the time. We only have about 2 hours to get back
to the car before dark.

Now, up a mile is the only way out of this hole.

I sure hope they make it cause they have the keys to the car.

Finally back to the car and a 25 mile drive back to the highway.

We knew that Torrey Ut , our next stop, was about 50 miles up the road.
What we didn't know, it was over a mountain range.

We roll into our motel about 9:30 exhausted. What a great day of exploration!

Tomorrow we head to Vernal UT to see our new great grandbaby.

See you on Day 10 Ralph, Prilly & Sue

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