Day 01 Alaska 2006

Tuesday June 6, 2006


Hi all, well were on our way To Alaska !

Prilly and Gwyn at the airport. Our flight left at 1:20 right on time.
Flying into Atlanta then on to Anchorage.

Coming into Atlanta.

I see they got the new tower built since we were here last.

Here we are ready to take off from Atlanta, and they drive up with this thing.

They start taking all the luggage off the plane. What is going on? Then we are informed
that we are overweight and have to shed some pounds.
Boy does this sound familiar.

Now it looks like the peanuts and pretzels have to go.

I have no idea what they are taking off here.

I have heard of cutbacks but this is going a little far. Now the pilot anounces that they will have to turn
off the air until we get to cruiseing altitude to conserve fuel.

Well we are pulling away an hour late and our luggage
is sitting on the tarmack.

The good news is we got off the ground, but used the whole runway
to do it.

After 7hrs it looks like we found the place.

That is a moving glacier of ice that looks like a river.

Wouldn't want to land down there.

Sure looks cold.

Look at the debris that is dragging down with it.

Some of these peaks hit 9000 feet.

In the clouds.

Pic of the day.

We were supposed to be there at 8pm their time, but as you can see
it was 9:20 when we got there. Our luggage never made it til the next
morning. Because we were late Dollar gave away the car that we had reserved.

Bill & Gwyn first encounter with a polar bear.

Finally Sue & Prilly back together. Sue's trip out was right on time so she was sitting there waiting for us.

Got to bed about 3am Eastern time. Now that we're all here things will get better tomorrow.

Ralph , Prilly, Sue, Bill, & Gwyn

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