Thursday May 10, 2007


Hi All,

Today we decided to change course and head north to greener pastures.
So we pointed the Jeep North and travel up to Raton New Mexcio,
just south of the Colorado border.

Before we left the motel, Sue saw this truck and wanted me to take a picture of it.
Maybe she was thinking he has a nice truck.

So we head North. Out here that means point and go.

We saw the deer but only the antelope wanted to play.

These guys graze right along with the cattle.

They don't seem as timid as the deer.

You can tell by the horse ranches that we are further north.

The cactus is replaced by wild flowers.

Purple Verbena ?

There are so many the air is filled with their fragrance.

Yellow Evening Primrose

Check out these two wild flowers.

We spot our first butte.

How fast the scenery changes.

We stop in Wagon Mound, a town that is slipping into the past.

As we pull into Raton we look north to the Rockies.
Is that snow?

Tomorrow we head west across Colorado.
See you then.
Ralph, Prilly & Sue

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