Prilly spotted this parigrin on the way into the park.
No, this is not me fishing. I have better things to do than to stand in freezing water.
Lower Yellow Stone Falls
Lower Yellow Stone Falls up close.
This raven was looking for a hand out.
We saw this coyote crossing a field. He jumped when he saw his friend.
We had the best time watching them hunt together.
They would sniff, pounce, and dig at the ground.
Pic of the Day, Mr. coyote
Yellow Stone Lake
Firehole Springs
Thermal Field
As we left the park we snapped this one of a young elk.
Cool facts about Yellow Stone.
World’s First National Park
3,472 square miles, 2,221,766 acres
63 air miles north to south, 54 air miles east to west
96 % in Wyoming, 3 % in Montana, 1 % in Idaho
Highest Point: 11,358 ft (Eagle Peak)
Lowest Point: 5,282 ft (Reese Creek)
Larger than Rhode Island and Delaware combined
Approximately 5% of park is covered by water; 15% is grassland; and 80% is forested
As always we are sad to leave one of God's most beautiful creations.
Tomorrow we head to northwest Montana.
See you then,
Ralph & Prilly